Safety, Health and Injury Management and Wellbeing

Laboratory safety

Our role is to develop and assist in the implementation of the UWA safety, health and wellbeing programs in order to minimise the risk of injury, illness and property damage.

We provide consultancy and other services to promote best practice and legislative compliance in all University and related activities.

Further Information


8 hours


Monday 15th July 2024
9:00am - 4pm


Tattersall Lecture Theatre



UWA staff and students: No Cost
Others: No Cost

This one-day course is essential for staff and students who are required to work in research laboratories.

It will provide participants with important laboratory safety principles and practices.


You will:

  • gain an understanding of basic laboratory safety principles and practices
  • be able to more readily identify laboratory hazards and implement effective control measures
  • become aware of good design, management and laboratory practices
  • understand the process of assessing and reducing the risks within laboratories
  • examine serious laboratory incidents from UWA and elsewhere and lessons to be learnt from these

The Course Notes are available on the links below.


To pass this course you must successfully complete two online assessments, the lab safety course test and the ChemAlert Training Unit.

  1. Login into the UWA LMS with your Pheme number.
  2. To enrol in the ChemAlert Training Unit copy and paste this url into the UWA LMS page  
  3. To enrol in the Laboratory Safety Course test paste this url into the UWA LMS page  


Times Topics
09:00-09:30 Demonstration 1
09:30-09:50 Introduction. Systems of work, legal aspects, general duties, induction training, overview of safety responsibilities, resolution of safety issues, incident and accident reporting, case studies.
09:50-10:30 Safety and Emergency Procedures. General laboratory safety rules, working in isolation, general emergency procedures, laboratory emergency procedures, personal protective equipment (particularly gloves), fire protection and safety, case studies.
10:30-10:45 Morning Tea
10:45-11:30 Laboratory and Engineering Safety. Laboratory construction, access and egress, fire and emergency alarms, safety equipment, reticulated services, hydraulic services, electrical services and safety, ventilation, fume cupboards and their safe use, "out of service" tags for maintenance.
Hazards, Risks and Toxicology. Identification of hazards, risk assessment and control, hierarchy of controls, toxicology, routes of entry, exposure standards, monitoring
11:30-12:15 Hazardous Substances. Regulations, management systems (labels, registers, msds, health surveillance, carcinogenic substances), dangerous goods, poisons
12:15-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Chemical Safety. Chemical hazards in laboratories, use, storage, spillage, disposal, case studies
Cryogens and Gases. Cryogenics, operation under vacuum, compressed and liquefied gases
13:30-14:00 Demonstration 2
14:00-15:15 Biological Safety. Classification of hazards, classification of laboratories, OGTR requirements, blood and products of human origin, disinfection and decontamination methods, AQIS requirements, laminar flow and biosafety cabinets, autoclaving.
15:15-15:30 Afternoon Tea
15.30-16:30 Open book test
16:30-16:45 Closure

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UWA staff and students - please complete this section


Non-UWA Staff and Students - please complete this section


School/organistion contact person - all to complete

Required. Please state the given names of the contact person.

Required. The full postal address for the contact person.

Email address for contact person, if applicable.